We’d like to thank all our employees, friends, craftsmen, suppliers, and customers, and everyone else who has helped us. We were only able to restart production after the storm damage in such a short time thanks to your support. On 20 May 2022, a tornado tore across our main plant in Ovenhausen, in the district of Höxter, North Rhine-Westphalia. At first glance, the scene looked terrible. But with help from a lot of people, we were quickly able to secure the site, the buildings, and the equipment, clean up, and repair enough of the damage to allow us to restart production just 12 days later, on 1 June 2022.
Back to overviewLiebe Kunden und Partner,ein turbulentes und aufregendes Jahr neigt sich dem Ende! Unsere Gebäude sind mittlerweile wieder in Schuss, nachdem ein Tornado hier sein Unwesen trieb.Sogar das berühmte Storchennest auf