We are here for you
Put our expertise in wood technology to use for your project. We look forward to hearing from you.
Maderas Holztechnik GmbH
Werkstraße 1
37671 Höxter-Ovenhausen
Tel.: +49 5278 221
Fax: +49 5278 1269
Our representation in the Benelux countries:
Lindner Benelux BV
Woudenbergseweg 19-C9
E-mail: info@maderas-holztechnik.de
Tel.: +31 343 491038
Fax: +31 343 493117
E-Mail: info@lindnerbenelux.com
Our representation in Great Britain and Ireland:
Continental Furniture
Components Ltd.
William Dengel
Tel.: +44 11 89 45 10 13
E-Mail: william.dengel@cfc-uk.com