
FSC and PEFC certified

Creating sustainable
success together


Ovo and Antje

Our feathered
lucky charms

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In harmony with the environment

Sustainability has many facets. It doesn’t only involve active climate protection and caring for our environment, but also our operational processes and thinking outside the box to find sustainable solutions. As a wood technology company, we have always attached great importance to sustainability in order to preserve nature and the environment. This is highlighted, for example, by the fact that we are a certified ECOPROFIT company.

Shaping sustainable success

End customers often consciously consider sustainability when making purchasing decisions. When it comes to wooden furniture and other wooden items, they pay particular attention to labels indicating responsible forestry. For this reason, Maderas ensures that you as the client can choose from certified woods in order to meet your sustainability requirements.

Environmentally friendly manufacturing

In our environmental guidelines, we have undertaken to conserve resources. This includes, among other things, using energy- and material-saving technologies and production processes. We produce part of our electricity ourselves via our photovoltaic system. And with our wood offcuts, we can completely meet the heating requirements of all our production facilities.

The global standard


Since 1999, the PEFC label has certified sustainably managed forests and wood processing companies. Maderas Holztechnik has held this certificate for many years. As a customer, you benefit from the chain of custody for the use of certified wood.

Exemplifying environmental protection

At Maderas we have incorporated environmental protection into our operations. As a result, we have received an award from the ECOPROFIT project.


The origin of sustainability

The term sustainability originally comes from forestry. Around 1700, the nobleman Hans Carl von Carlowitz called for the “sustainable use” of fuel. He stipulated that everyone should only be allowed to cut as much wood as could grow back in the forest through reforestation. His plan to secure wood supply for the long term is still considered groundbreaking today.

Sustainability is more important than ever. We need to use resources carefully so that we do not live at the expense of the environment and future generations. Forests continue to be one of the focal points of sustainability. They serve as a lifeline for plants, animals, and people. The forest regulates the climate and also offers us humans a haven for recreation. Forest management that is good for the economy as well as environmentally friendly and socially responsible thus makes an important contribution to sustainability. It strikes the right balance between the demand for wood and the sustainable future of forests.

Storks and swallows

Up on high 

They overwinter in Africa. But in the spring, they migrate to us in Höxter. Every year at Maderas Holztechnik we look forward to the arrival of our feathered guests.
Learn more about “our” stork Ovo and his partner Antje here.

Our Expertise:

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Liebe Kunden und Partner,ein turbulentes und aufregendes Jahr neigt sich dem Ende! Unsere Gebäude sind mittlerweile wieder in Schuss, nachdem ein Tornado hier sein Unwesen trieb.Sogar das berühmte Storchennest auf

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