Sustainable forestry

Since 1999, the PEFC label has certified sustainably managed forests and wood processing companies. Maderas Holztechnik has held this certificate for many years. As a customer, you benefit from the chain of custody for the use of certified wood.

PEFC stands for Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification . This certificate serves as a transparent control system for verifying sustainable forest management based on national standards. In Germany, about three quarters of the forests are currently PEFC-certified, and worldwide there are over 330 million hectares of certified forest. PEFC represents sustainable, careful, and responsible forest management. It provides consumers with binding proof of sustainable management.

This means:

  • No more wood is felled than will grow back.
  • Where trees have been felled, others are planted.
  • The forest remains a safe habitat for animals and plants.
  • Forest biodiversity is preserved.
  • A sustainably managed forest retains its function as a natural protector of water bodies, soils, and the climate.
  • You have a guarantee of the legal origin of the wood.
  • All forestry work complies with the high standards of occupational safety.
  • Workers’ rights are respected.
  • All work is carried out by qualified specialists.
Our Expertise:

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